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Is it profitable to join us?   Page 2

Table 1

Name                                                                                                                                   Parameter      Result

Market share, up to                                                                                                                   10%

The planned % of accrued market corresponds to                                                          462,75 Bn.

The number of participating independent marketers                                                   1,000,000

The commissions will be differentiated by the groups of  participants as follows:

P - % of compensation for marketers, S- corresponding compensation, USD            P%                 S

The possible compensations:

for the participants bearing the license with numbers from 000 001 to 200 000       12           $555,296

for the participants bearing the license with numbers from 200 001 to 400 000       11           $509,022

for the participants bearing the license with numbers from 400 001 to 600 000       10           $462,750

for the participants bearing the license with numbers from 600 001 to 800 000         9           $416,470

for the participants bearing the license with numbers from 800 001 to 1 000 000      8           $370,198


Marketers may transfer the compensation due to them. For example, it can be transferred to heirs. 

The first group of participants will obtain the right to resale the received licenses at their discretion. The resold licenses should be registered under a new bearer's name. 

The first group of participants will not have to pay the leasing annual fee.

The leasing fee will be set as $48000, paid early.

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